
ScreenOS / JunOS 장애 발생시 처리 명령어 정리

hyunhwan 2012. 11. 13. 23:12
Mapping of common troubleshooting commands from ScreenOS to JUNOS





Session & Interface counters

get session

> show security flow session

get interface

> show interface terse

get counter stat
get counter stat <interface>

> show interface extensive
> show interface <interface> extensive

clear counter stat

> clear interface statistics <interface>

Debug & Snoop

debug flow basic

# edit security flow
# set traceoptions flag basic-datapath
# commit

-creates debugs in default file name: /var/log/security-trace

See KB16108 for traceoptions info.

set ff

# edit security flow
# set traceoptions packet-filter

Packet-drop is a feature that will be added

get ff

> show configuration | match packet-filter | display set

get debug

> show configuration | match traceoptions | display set

get db stream

View stored log: (recommended option)
> show log <file name> (enter h to see help options)
> show log security-trace (to view 'security flow' debugs)
> show log kmd (to view 'security ike' debugs)

View real-time: (use this option with caution)
> monitor start <debugfilename>
ESC-Q (to pause real-time output to screen)

‘monitor stop' stops real-time view , but debugs are still collected in log files

clear db

> clear log <filename> (clears contents of file)

Use ‘file delete <filename> to actually delete file>

undebug <debug> (stops collecting debugs)

# edit security flow
# deactivate traceoptions OR # delete traceoptions (at the particular hierarchy)
# commit

Deactivate makes it easier to enable/disable.

Use activate traceoptions to activate.

undebug all

Not available. You need to deactivate or delete traceoptions separately.

debug ike detail

# edit security ike
# set traceoptions flag ike
# commit

-creates debugs in default file name: kmd

snoop (packets THRU the JUNOS device)

Use Packet Capture feature: http://www.juniper.net/techpubs/software/junos-security/junos-security95/junos-security-admin-guide/config-pcap-chapter.html#config-pcap-chapter

- Not supported on SRX 3x00/5x00 yet

snoop (packets TO the JUNOS device)

> monitor traffic interface <int> layer2-headers
write-file option (hidden)
read-file (hidden)

-Only captures traffic destined for the RE of router itself.

- Excludes PING .

Event Logs

get event

> show log messages
> show log messages | last 20 (helpful cmd because newest log entries are at end of file)

get event | include <string>

> show log messages | match <string>
> show log messages | match “<string> | <string> | <string>”
> show log messages | match “error | kernel | panic”
> show log messages | last 20 | find error

Note: There is not an equivalent command for ‘get event include <string>'.

displays only the lines that contains the string

displays output starting from the first occurrence of the string

clear event

> clear log messages

> show log

Config & Software upgrade

get config

> show config (program structured format)
> show config | display set (set command format)

get license

> show system license keys

get chassis (serial numbers)

> show chassis hardware detail

> show chas environment
> show chas routing-engine

exec license

> request system license [add | delete |save]

unset all


load factory-default
set system root-authentication plain-text-passsword
commit and-quit
request system reboot

See KB15725.

load config from tftp <tftp_server> <configfile>

> start shell and FTP config to router, i.e. /var/tmp/test.cfg. Then
# load override /var/tmp/test.cfg (or full path of config file)

-TFTP is not supported. Use only FTP, HTTP, or SCP.

load software from tftp <tftp_server> <screenosimage> to flash

> request system software add
request system software add ftp: reboot

-TFTP is not supported. Use only FTP. HTTP, or SCP.
-Use ‘request system software rollback' to rollback to previous s/w package

See KB16652.


# commit OR
# commit and-quit


> request system reboot


get policy

> show security policies

get policy from <zone> to <zone>

> show security policies from <zone> to <zone>


get ike cookie

> show security ike security-associations

get sa

> show security ipsec security-associations

> show security ipsec stat

clear ike cookie

> clear security ike security-associations

clear sa

> clear security ipsec security-associations


get nsrp

> show chassis cluster status
> show chassis cluster interfaces
> show chassis cluster status redundancy-group <group>

exec nsrp vsd <vsd> mode backup (on master) see KB5885

> request chassis cluster failover redundancy-group <group> node <node>

> request chassis cluster failover reset redundancy-group <group>


get dhcp client

> show system services dhcp client

See KB15753.

exec dhcp client <int> renew

> request system services dhcp renew (or release)


get route

> show route

get route ip <ipaddress>

> show route <ipaddress>

get vr untrust-vr route

> show route instance untrust-vr

get ospf nei

> show ospf neighbor

set route interface <int> gateway <ip>

# set routing-options static route next-hop <ip>

See KB16572.


get vip

> show security nat destination-nat summary

get mip

> show security nat static-nat summary

get dip

> show security nat source-nat summary
> show security nat source-nat pool <pool>


get perf cpu

> show chassis routing-engine

get net-pak s

> show system buffers

get file

> show system storage

get alg

> show configuration groups junos-defaults applications

All pre-defined applications are located within the hidden group junos-defaults. If any ALGs are applied to the pre-defined applications, they will also be displayed with this command.

get service

> show configuration groups junos-defaults applications

get tech

> request support information

set console page 0

> set cli screen-length 0

> file list <path>
Example: file list /var/tmp/

Shows directory listing.
Note that / is needed at end of path

# = configuration mode prompt

> = operational mode prompt

Last updated: 4/2010